Dumb question HT bypass

I admit ignorance. How would one configure a HT bypass setup using an AVR and a preamp featuring HY bypass? 
Not that I would.
I would be enamored with a "HT for Dummies" explanation of this voodoo.

Showing 5 responses by maxwave

The idea of a HTBP is not to have a better sound with the movies.
It is to have a better sound with your analog gears: turn table, sreamer , tuner, cd player , R2R tape player.
On your AVR , if you have ´´ power out ´´ , to connect the front speakers to another amplifier, ; then you can use a integrated amplifer with HTBP.

When using the AVR,( for movies ,etc ) only the power amp. section of the integrated will be used. This is where the ´´ bypass ´´ takes place.
Center and surrouds speakers will be played by the AVR.Fronts will be played by the integrated.

When using your analog sources,connected to the integrated ; the power amp. and preamp. sections of the integrated will be used.
That way your front speakers are connected to the integrated amplifire.Leaving the front speakers connections of you AVR unused. Only the fronts speakers will be played .

The bypass on the integrated shut down his preamp section.
Other wise , you would have two preamp. fighting each others :
preamp of integrated against the preamp of the AVR

With a HT processor , it is no probleme.

You are right.
Also, I was confused regarding ´´ pre out ´´  and ´´ power out ´´
I know how to do it ; but I am not the best to explain it : like sex :-)

I have a processor. The fronts speakers XLR cables ( and speaker’s cables) instead of being connected to a power amp.( like other speakers ) is connected to an integrated amp. with a HTBP.
I do not know about AVR. But if there are RCA or XLR outputs dedicated to connect to an external amp. , then , it is possible to use an integrated amp. with HTBP with your AVR.

PreAmp. with a HTBP is not the only way.
Integrated amp. with HTBP is another way if an AVR has a dedicated
external amp. connector ( XLR or RCA )

´´Please do not even attempt to explain how adding complexity makes 2 channel reproduction sound better. "Sugar" free for me.
I rescind my query for that. ´´

This was not my goal. I wrote about connections ….
But the idea of HTBP is precisely to have ´´ 2 channel reproduction sound better ´´ without using two
separated system .

If you can’t tolerate the ´´Sugar ´´ , why then are you asking how to cook using ´´Sugar ´´ in the first place ?

It may be for general knowledge, and that would be fine with me.