Dumb question HT bypass

I admit ignorance. How would one configure a HT bypass setup using an AVR and a preamp featuring HY bypass? 
Not that I would.
I would be enamored with a "HT for Dummies" explanation of this voodoo.

Showing 8 responses by fuzztone


Thanx Good explain.
Probably why I couldn’t get head around it, no pre outs on my AVR. 5.1 SQ now is quite enjoyable without extra cabling.
I knew that it was for sharing main speakers just not the logistics.
I actually asked for another brainstorm.
Thank ya.
MC give it reat. Your contribution is totally superficial.. I knew you would not be able to resist your spewing.
I don’t put any countenance in what is preferred by you. Start your own post to repeat your silly mantra. Over and over and over.
If you had bothered reading you would know that mine are NOT connected and many of us enjoy good surround. Not like you.
Wah wah.


I think you are correct in that with the normal connections one is not gaining much. Quality in DAC is as important as quality in speakers.
THAT is why it is so confusing. I, like most (maybe not here at Agon) have only an AVR for surround and a preamp for stereo. This was stated in the original post. Any alternative setups cannot contribute to any illuminative answers and only tend to cloud up the issue. They are best ignored. 
At least for dummies.

Please do not even attempt to explain how adding complexity makes 2 channel reproduction sound better. "Sugar" free for me.
I rescind my query for that.

I do appreciate any knowledge gleaned and I WAS successful in a good use (for me) of the HT function on the pre. Without connecting it to the surround system.

I prefer to keep them seperate in the same room.


Sounds good for you. Good luck on your quest.
I have one fine DAC and it's for stereo only.
I merely asked to avoid answering my posed question that was unrelated to the original.
Other than that I welcome critique if I'm unclear or wrong.

Give it a rest. More people enjoy their AVRs than you can process. Who cares WHAT your phobias are?

I thanked ruebent quickly. Your point is?

I appreciate the discussion and have sorrow for the troll.

Not on mine. The stereo's input is dedicated to the AVR.  It just sets as fixed the stereo's volume pad for that input so you can use the AVR master volume for all channels simultaneously..  Either your setup is different or it's not as obvious as you contend.  Either way it is not for me.  Have at it. 

I have found a more useful purpose.

If you’re responding to me, I don’t even have line outs on my preamp. My 2 channel system is totally segregated., Jim Crow style. The surround sys has a seperate drinking fountain (power source.)