Duke did the Sound LABs survive?

Duke how did your Sound Labs and of course you make out in New Orleans with the hurricane??

Best of Luck,

Albert -

I have been told that Richard Gray is alive and well in Tupelo, Mississippi. I don't know what condition his business is in, nor when he will be allowed to return.

Richard's house is about a mile or so from my old house, and being fairly close to the river it might not have flooded. Likewise, his business might not have flooded - I haven't seen any images on TV that showed standing floodwaters in either area.

I think Lugnut lives in the Boise area, maybe four hours from me. Hope to meet him some day.

Duke, that's good news when most of what were hearing and reading is bad.

Selfishly, I'm glad you and Richard are safe, and encourage you to find a way to visit Pat. He traveled here for short stay and we had a blast, a true music lover and a great guy.

I am glad you are ok. I hope the rest of your family is also. Hey buddy, you need to send me my Marquee center. I understand the storm and your father's illness have held you up. No problems, I am just wanting to finish my listening room.
