Dual mono integrated amps

I’m curious about dual mono integrated amps and if they can approximate the benefits of monoblocks. I had the good fortune of trying a friend’s electronics which included a dual mono preamp driving a pair of monoblocks and the result was not subtle. There was an expanded soundstage with more solid imaging. Is this an effect that most of you experience when each channel has dedicated circuitry? Are there particular examples of integrated amps utilizing a dual mono design that do a particularly good job in this respect? Ones that don’t?

Thanks for the help


Showing 2 responses by jafant



Absolutely!  I was a die-hard Separates fan and owner, prior to my AX-5 integrated.

I never thought that I would ever own an "Integrated Amp". Truth is, the product line and technology are light years from the last 10-20 years. Your choices, New or Used, are plentiful in 2023.  Have fun and keep me posted on your purchase(s).


Happy Listening!



I have no complaints with my AYRE AX-5 integrated amp.


Happy Listening!