Dual 1219 / Cartridge

Hello all...

I have a wild notion that wants me to get a better cartridge.  Currently I am running a Grado Platimum 1 on a vintage Dual 1219 turntable ( 1983 Yamaha C-70, Yamaha M-70 separates, Cerwin Vega D-8's). 

For months I have been circling an Audio Technica VM760SLC cartridge.  Yes,  I will admit it...I want candy-coated sound...with alot of color... and I am thinking this particular  cartridge may serve that purpose.  My 62 year old Tinnitus is probably a factor as well.

As I move up the cartridge food chain...is it possible that I am looking at a cart beyond the Dual 1219's set up capabilities?  That is, can a 50 year old turntable allow the cart to perform to its  optimum abilities? Azimuth and all of the other factors that allow a higher-end cart to be set up correctly and perform?  I really like my Dual 1219 for alot of reasons...many being nostalgic...   Does the  medium end-Grado Platimum 1 maximize my 50 year old turntable's capabilities...or can i go a little higher?

And...does an after-market platter mat's thickness play into how a needle finds the record...affecting play and ultimately the sound? Funny...I was told that for the thicker heavier gram "new" vinyl,  the "multi-record" lever-switch should be activated on the turntable. Hmmm.  I am wondering about that piece of advice.

I have mumbled enough here.  Do any of the older turntable folks have any thoughts about my ramblings?

Thank you. 


p.s. I really enjoy reading through the questions from the Audiogon site that roll into my email daily.

Showing 1 response by limomangus

I worked back in early 70s for a whole sale electronic dist.we sold Duals ,they were a hot item with Shure ME 97 cart.I dont remember if they can supplied with one.