DTS Concert Videos, Music

I am eagerly awaiting the new U2 Live from Slane Castle concert DVD ( ). I was pleasently surprised to see that the new concert DVD will be both 16:9 and provide a DTS track.

Maybe this discussion belongs in "Music" rather than tech talk, but I notice substantial differences when listen to a DTS music track compared to a DD mix. I am asking other members to suggest some good concert DVDs w/ DTS tracks. Aside from the excellent Hell Freezes Over DTS DVD, the only other concert disc in my collection is the Queen: We Will Rock You DVD. Among non-DTS titles, I felt that "The Last Waltz" was superb.

So let's hear it - some concert DVDs w/ excellent sound, preferably DTS.

Showing 1 response by wadedwyer

Let me point out that seconds after posting this, I noticed a similar thread from about a month ago. Why it eluded me until I posted a nearly identical question is clearly explicable by Murphy's Law.

I welcome any more responses, but am sorry for the similar question.