DSpeaker Anti-Mode 2.0 - Where in Signal Chain?

I just purchased a DSPeaker Anti-Mode 2.0 in the hopes that it will help address some of the bass issues I have in my room. I've heard very good things about this unit. The more I read about it, however, the more confused I get about where in my signal chain it would be best to put it.

I know the manufacturer and US distributor are fond of telling users to get rid of their DACs and preamps and just use the AM2.0, but that's not going to work for me. For one, I have tons of DSD and 24/192 music that the AM2.0 wouldn't be able to process. I also love what the tubes in my preamp add to my music. So I'll be running this thing in the analog domain, and a double DAC-ADC conversion is unavoidable, although I've heard the arguments about why that might be less than ideal.

Putting that issue aside for the moment, it seems I have the following options:

1. Put the AM2.0 in between my DAC and preamp using the balanced XLR inputs and outputs. BUT here is where I get confused - is it not a problem feeding my preamp a signal that has essentially already been amplified to line level? If I do this, what volume setting do I use on the AM2.0 to ensure that I can control the volume with my preamp and not have any gain mismatch or clipping issues?

2. Put the AM2.0 in between my preamp and power amp using the regular main RCA out on the preamp. I'm worried about clipping at the input of the AM2.0 doing this. Again, what volume do I set the AM2.0 to in order to control the volume using the preamp?

3. Put the AM2.0 in between my preamp and power amp using the RCA "record out" on the preamp. This is actually what Tim Ryan, the US distributor, told me to do. But if I use the record out on the preamp, wouldn't I be bypassing anything the preamp might add to my signal? And since I only use one source anyway, what would be the point of even using my preamp if I did this?

If there is anyone out there who has or had one of these units and experimented with the above arrangements, I would love to hear about your own results. I just want to make sure I put this into my system in a way that makes sense and doesn't risk damaging anything. Thanks.
For using AM DC 2.0 with a preamp, do you guys control the volume with the preamp or AM?
The AM is a great product that lacks some things . More inputs and outputs ,better PS and a good remote . To solve this I built a custom passive line controller with 4 inputs going out to one output to the input on the AM . The AM goes back in to a input that goes to a Bent audio TAP X Dave Slagel Autoformer volume control with 2 outputs . The boxes are of the same footprint and sit on top of each other . Makes for one killer Preamp combo . I set the volume to max on the AM and attenuate with the TAP X
I just got a year old used DSPeaker  dual core from the music room. I am just putting the finishing tou he's to a dedicated basement (early morning) music room for a second system.
Ultimately I will move two of my REL Q150e subs into the front corners, but want to get the sound and acoustics close to ideal first.
 ( BTW: Question for the ocd on this forum:- Which baseboards sound best??).
Looking at the bewildering array of acoustic treatments and bass traps sent me into shopping paralysis . How do I know what frequencies  I want to tame? What size bass traps? How will they react to the RELs in the same corners as REL suggest? Why load the room just to randomly attenuate some bass frequencies? ?
Then I stumbled upon the DSPeaker  dual core 2.0 on BK subwoofer's website. Stereophile recommended? 
So, a device that actually measures the room response,  then corrects it? So logical. That's what I need!
Found it $700 used. Clicked BuyItNow. Here in 4 days.

I hooked up a simple system to inaugurate the new room from my stash: Musical fidelity x-ray, DSPeaker, x-150, Rega naos ( transmission lines with output to 20hz!).
Nice enough sound. Bass is definitely there, if a bit muddy due to room modes.
I plugged in the DSP to the cd player spdif  input using it as the dac. Connected the microphone at the listening seat and ran the calibration. 
Half an our later, tea in one hand, remote in the other, I could a/b test the results.
The unit removed me from my 13×21×7-6" room with its muddy 30,60, 80,120hz bass modes, to a much larger concert hall!
At first the reduced bass was a shock, but you soon realize you can hear texture to the entire bass spectrum.
It sounds more NATURAL. 
I have lots more experimenting to do once I add the subs. 
(Now, what baseboards shall I install??)
I'll let you know....