Hi Everyone,
I would like to discuss the choice of the switching power supply in the dspNexus. Commercial switching power supplies solve a lot of practical problems when converting AC mains to low voltage supplies in a commercial product. They are not ideal.
I evaluated 4 different switchers during the development process of the dspNexus. Most suffer by having insufficient current capability with the negative supply. This was clearly audible with the headphone amplifier even with 100 watt units. The one I chose was good in this regard. It is the only board in the dspNexus that I did not design.
That said, a large linear mains supply is not a panacea. There are three linear supplies between the DACs, ADC and Clocks. These are not all LDOs since high frequency power supply rejection is also important. The goal is to have a low noise, low impedance supply located near each target device.
Designing good audio products is a process of making many small decisions. Collectively, the choices you make determine the outcome. I started making high end consumer audio products 45 years ago as an analog engineer. I have used DSPs for 30 years, so I have a bit of experience. I welcome discussing design philosophies and I hope many of you will consider the dspNexus as a good solution for your systems. I will be at CAF and I hope to meet many of you there.
Al Clark
Danville Signal