DSD coming to Qobuz streaming?

It looks like DSD files will soon stream on Qobuz - this may take some of the wind out of the sails of HDTracks and MQA. Some DSD recordings are already available for download, such as this classic from Boston.

I checked with Qobuz directly and was told there will be "an official announcement soon."

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Showing 2 responses by chilli42

PS Audio has a small but interesting downloadable library of DSD albums on their Octave Records label. All these titles were mastered in DSD so you get the full benefit of what DSD has to offer. If you choose to pay and download, be sure the DSD file is one that your DAC can process … for example the max my DAC can handle is 256 DSD files.

Just a naive question. Is there an advantage to DSD over high res PCM?  I can see the advantage of DSD if the original recording is in DSD (there are very few recording masters done in DSD … Boston included). However, if the original recording (the master) was in red book or high res PCM what does DSD bring to the party?  DSD can not add musical information to what is not already there in the original recording. Finally, does your DAC not covert your music files to PCM before doing analog conversion? I love the idea of DSD recordings but taking old PCM masters and converting them to DSD does not seem to offer much.  What am I missing?