Drummers! Which amps do you use for best Timing & Dynamics?

Many audio systems fail to deliver a really tight groove with correct dynamics and rock solid timing. The timing must be coherent from lows to highs as well. Some amps time well in the mids but lag behind in the bass. The amp must be lush or free of any hardness at the same time as well.

Please share your choices for amps , sources and speakers. 

In my case I am looking for great low volume performance, huge soundstage that opens up in direction to the listener, and the tight groove of course. Speaker efficiency 88db, minimum impedance 3Ohm.

I have the impression that amps which double into 4 ohm, have zero negative feedback and have high idle power consumption are the best for high current low volume performance.

I also prefer single solid core cables for best timing.

Price up to 5k used.

As bang for buck reference I want to mention the Kinki EX M1 integrated or M7 power amp which has excellent low volume performance and timing. It is slightly lean, cool mechanical and I am interested in other alternatives ( neutral or warm)


Showing 3 responses by zuio

Oh and a very important aspect in hifi is immediacy.

So no class D. Class D is like a super fast and powerful jet plane but it loses against a motorbike the first few feet...
Wow, great response atmasphere !

The problem is that I have not heard a high efficiency speaker that sounds good. More efficiency usually means more coloration, thinner and unstable sound. Horns do not image well and the sound seems to originate from behind the speakers.
I really should try ATC one day. It's just that I have seen comments that it needs many hours warmup until it really delivers.