Driving Totem Acoustic Winds with Peachtree Grand Inegrated X-1(Class D) Amp ?

I'm currently driving a pair of Mirage OMD-15 towers with my Peachtree Audio Grand Integrated X-1, Class D amplifier.  I'm considering upgrading my speakers and have an interest in the Totem Acoustic Winds.  I am far, far away from a Totem dealer so taking my amp in for an audition is not a realistic option.  Any constructive comments about the proposed set-up would be appreciated.  Any speakers I buy will probably be second hand and I'm also considering a pair of PSB Synchrony One's.

Showing 3 responses by dave_b

The Winds really gobble power and need great Class A amplification to sound there best!  They will play and sound good with other stuff, but the limitations elsewhere will be be heard.
Larstusor, I would consider the Totem Forest.  Placement is more flexible and is true high end performance!  I could get a pair near me for about $3800...nothing can touch their performance near that price.
The Dynaudio’s are great speakers and there are certainly many fine choices available these days, but I have owned $30k speakers and many high end brands that just don’t have the same addictive quality of Totem!  Something about them just sounds so right and “alive” like real musicians playing.  The crossovers are large scale and hand wired with customized drivers and unique cabinetry which is amazing, yet at the end of the day all I know is that they compell me to listen to all of my music for as long as possible!!