Driving Gallo Reference 5LS

I've bought a pair of Gallo Reference 5LS speakers and am wondering if anyone has any ideas about what preamp would work work well with them.  If anyone owns or has owned a pair would also love to hear your impressions.
Well... I bought the Yggdrasil... because all of the reviews said it one of the top 3 dacs at any price, ranking with the best available.  And... though skeptical... I was pleasantly surprised... it is, as they say... "on a whole other level." 

Just incredible... detail resolution, air, ambiance, soundstage, imaging, dynamics, etc., etc. - which combine to present a real, live sound that the performers and venue are right in your audio room.  You hear all of the sounds of the venue - if its in a club / dining room you hear the sounds of the diners, the ambient sounds of the performers chairs, shoes, etc. - everything that combine to make it sound like you're right there in the audience.  Not to mention the details of the instruments and the performers hands / breath / etc. playing them. 

It's very much like the sound you get from a tube set-up, with speakers that have very high resolution and rich mids (e.g. ESL 57's, or Harbeths, etc.).  Some, don't like the "harmonics" of tube set-ups, others think they add an air of life-like sound.

Of course, this assumes you have a streamer / player, amp and speakers that can deliver that clarity and resolution.  But, if you do, very few DAC's will provide that same "life-like" sound.         

If you're a fan of such a "life-like" sound, then you may be similarly impressed.  If those artifacts distract you, or your system is limited in its capabilities... you may prefer a smoother, more obscure sound, without all the details. But, as for me, I love that type of sound.  

Arrg!  I appreciate the response, but I bought an Exasound e32, am still in the 30 day trial period (which expires in a few days) and had pretty much decided to keep it.  The only other DAC I really wanted to try was the Yggdrasil and you've got me re-thinking my decision.  The e32 sounds great, detailed, open, much that way you describe the Yggy, but maybe not as warm (I'm working on swapping my Krell pre out for a tube pre, and given TOsicka6's input I'll likely try the Fraya). 

The thing I can add about the e32 is awesome customer service.  I am not using Roon for streaming and so wrote an e-mail to Exasound customer support at about 7:30 on a Friday (west-coast US) to ask about other apps to use with a PC.  In less than 15 minutes I had a detailed response from George Klissarov (company owner) who offered to speak by phone if I thought it would be helpful.  I've never had a customer experience like that, and I'm old!
Wow! My first post . Just purchased and awaiting delivery of a pair of 5SL.
I have purchased two of the SA amps for bass.. I'm  into 50 50 music and TV.
I have a Marantz 7704 pre and an ATI 8 channel class D running at 200 watts per channel. Thinking of a high current mono or two channel amp to run the 5sl speakers . Letting the ATI run the surrounds etc.
Any suggestions for the amp/amps to power the 5sl?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.