Driving Gallo Reference 5LS

I've bought a pair of Gallo Reference 5LS speakers and am wondering if anyone has any ideas about what preamp would work work well with them.  If anyone owns or has owned a pair would also love to hear your impressions.
Hi Doug
The Musical Fidelitys are dual mono and yes one for mids and tops.
The other for bottom end.

The Schitt Fraya goes to the Musical Fidelitys which leaves two pre outs for the two gallo subs.

I also have a Gallo SA but not in the system as yet.
The nice thing about the Musical Fidelity XP-200 is it has an output so it can be chained to the 2nd MF and in the future to the SA.

But at the moment the 5LS woofers are getting full range. Muddy? 
I`ll turn the subs off listen and let you know. 
Interesting, and good to know, thanks for doing the experiment.  It's probably a room issue (and I meant Musical Fidelity, not PS Audio, not sure where I came up with that). 
Well... I bought the Yggdrasil... because all of the reviews said it one of the top 3 dacs at any price, ranking with the best available.  And... though skeptical... I was pleasantly surprised... it is, as they say... "on a whole other level." 

Just incredible... detail resolution, air, ambiance, soundstage, imaging, dynamics, etc., etc. - which combine to present a real, live sound that the performers and venue are right in your audio room.  You hear all of the sounds of the venue - if its in a club / dining room you hear the sounds of the diners, the ambient sounds of the performers chairs, shoes, etc. - everything that combine to make it sound like you're right there in the audience.  Not to mention the details of the instruments and the performers hands / breath / etc. playing them. 

It's very much like the sound you get from a tube set-up, with speakers that have very high resolution and rich mids (e.g. ESL 57's, or Harbeths, etc.).  Some, don't like the "harmonics" of tube set-ups, others think they add an air of life-like sound.

Of course, this assumes you have a streamer / player, amp and speakers that can deliver that clarity and resolution.  But, if you do, very few DAC's will provide that same "life-like" sound.         

If you're a fan of such a "life-like" sound, then you may be similarly impressed.  If those artifacts distract you, or your system is limited in its capabilities... you may prefer a smoother, more obscure sound, without all the details. But, as for me, I love that type of sound.  

Arrg!  I appreciate the response, but I bought an Exasound e32, am still in the 30 day trial period (which expires in a few days) and had pretty much decided to keep it.  The only other DAC I really wanted to try was the Yggdrasil and you've got me re-thinking my decision.  The e32 sounds great, detailed, open, much that way you describe the Yggy, but maybe not as warm (I'm working on swapping my Krell pre out for a tube pre, and given TOsicka6's input I'll likely try the Fraya). 

The thing I can add about the e32 is awesome customer service.  I am not using Roon for streaming and so wrote an e-mail to Exasound customer support at about 7:30 on a Friday (west-coast US) to ask about other apps to use with a PC.  In less than 15 minutes I had a detailed response from George Klissarov (company owner) who offered to speak by phone if I thought it would be helpful.  I've never had a customer experience like that, and I'm old!