Driving ALON V with CJ Premier 11: Can I improve?

Looking to tap into your wisdom and experience: do you have any idea of how I could further improve the sound of my already good sounding system?

I am driving a pair of Alon V MKII with a CJ Premier 11 and a CJ PV 14 pre-amp (soon to be upgraded to a Premier 17).

Source is a Marantz DV9500, interconnect are Straightwire Maestros and cables are Acarian Black Orpheus (tri-wired).

Room is under the roof so has titled ceiling with carpet on the floor and insulation foam in the back of the speakers. I also use a powerline conditioner from Monster.

For example may be I could improve the bottom end by using a stronger amp. I love the Premier 11 but may be an Evolution 2000 (Hybrid) would drive the Alons even better.

Any body has experience with this?

Or I also heard that Synergistic Research provides the best cables for CJ? Is that true?

Or may be I should replaced the CD player?

I don't have unlimited funds for this so of course the cost will be a factor.

Many thanks to share your thoughts?

Patrick aka audioaddict

Showing 2 responses by phaelon

I own the cj Premier 17LS but the consensus is with Downunder concerning the superiority of the 16LS. That said, the 16LS is considerably more expensive and harder to find. I auditioned the PV14 before choosing the 17LS which I thought was, far and away, the better preamp. I'm sure that it would be a nice improvement for you.

Regarding the cj Premier 11, I had similar thoughts about mine and went with the cj Premier V mono-blocks for more drive.
Talk about being a day late and a dollar short - I can't believe that I didn't look at the OP date.