Driving a Thiel

I'm looking at purchasing some of the discontinued floorstanding Thiel Models (CS .5, 1.5 and 2.3)and was wondering whether my 120 Watt Marantz SR 8200 receiver has enough power to drive these speakers. I'm not playing anything loud but other threads about appropriate amps and so forth concerned me.

Thanks for all the help!

Showing 3 responses by hevac1

No, your reciever will run out of power. You will need an amp with some ba..s for any Thiel speaker. Just because an amp has hi wattage does not meean it can handle Thiels. Whatever you try make sure you can drive them at the volumes you really want to listen at. Do not baby them, other wise when you want volume you may not get it. Thiel speakers will give most any amp a through workout. Some high power amps in the 500 to 1000 watt range must be modded by the manufacturer to deal with Thiels.
Thiel makes great speakers they just have a wide ohm range and need lots of power to sound their best.
I have Moon W6's, they cannot drive Thiels with any justice.
A speaker that can have loads down to 1 ohm is a wide range to me. Most amps are rated 8 to 4 ohms. not many have a lower Ohm rating in their specs. I have listened to a few amps with Theils and found most even if rated down to 2 Ohms cannot handle them.
What amp was used and would it have been able to go down to 1 ohm?
3 to 4 ohm is what Theil states their speakers low ranges are, even the 7.2 is only 2.7 ohm min.
It is a conservative estimate at best I think.
I had Theils a few years ago and found, the more power you have the better they sounded and the lower ohms the amp can handle the lower the bass would go regardless of rating.
BTW, I am not saying that Theils are not an excellent speaker. I am just saying that a quality amp with lots of power is best and a receiver will not do them justice.