Driver breakin period, what’s the science?

So have these new speakers and been told they need a hundred hours to be broken in, and then sound will improve.

What’s going on as break in occurs?  More important for tweet, mid or bass?  
My initial listening has simple vocals/music passages sounding very good, and more complex and very layered sections that may have potential to improve.  

Showing 1 response by jdal

Years ago when I received my Shahinian Diapasons I remember them taking a long time for the sound to settle in. For the past year I have a pair of Bache Audio Tribeca speakers and they sounded great right from the start. If there was any change with these speakers it is unnoticeable. 
My experience tells me that the crossover plays the largest role with speaker break in. The Diapasons have a very complex crossover, while the Tribeca's use a cap on the tweeter and a coil on the woofers. The wide band is directly connected to the amp.