Drive one nuts???

While sitting in the sweet spot, does anyone feel as if their arms and legs get in the way of enjoying what your systems soundstaging abilitys are capable of producing? Seems as if with "every movement" I make while sitting and enjoying the music, it interferes with the imaging... Can drive one nuts at times. Any comments on such a dilemma? Does it bother you? Thanks... PS, i'am a soundstage nut. (and no, i need my limbs so cutting them off would not be an option>>> (:^)

Showing 1 response by plato

The problem probably has more to do with the particular speaker's dispersion characteristics and possibly room reflections than it does with the pinpoint imaging effect.

Since the poster didn't say what speakers he owns or what his room is like it would be difficult to offer any meaningful advice. But I like Jmslaw's idea of having him wrap himself in foam. Who knows, a little acoustic foam and some duct tape could work wonders. :)