Drill holes in rack shelf to keep amp cool?

I have my first seperates system going and it sounds great but the amp gets awful warm. I was thinking about drilling some holes in the shelf it sits on right under the heat sink to get a little more air flow.

The amp is on the bottom shelf which is only a couple of inches above the floor but I figure it would help a little.

Anyone tried this?


Showing 3 responses by hifitime

Raising the amp up with bigger feet,or something under the feet may help the air flow through the bottom air intakes.♫
Open windows start.Type in Character map.Scroll down to Meiryo
in font.Its right before the Oriental items start.Pick your item,left click on it to high-lite it,then select,copy,and move your pointer to where you want it. Then use CTRL and V to paste it where you want it.I'm not very computer savvy,but that's the best description I could give.Its in the character map on Windows,but I don't know about the others.That's where I get my 2¢ emblem from also.All kinds of little things in there.This one comes in the computer.I never tried the ones from the net.This should describe it better.Regards♫[http://tlt.its.psu.edu/suggestions/international/accents/charmap.html]
I email myself to try the new stuff out.That way nobody else could see all of my trial and error goof ups that I'm good at doing.♫