Dried up Ferrofluid?

What causes ferrofluid to dry up?  Heat, usage, age?  Is there a usual shelf life, as in, do most 15-20 year old tweeters that originally used ferrofluid, need new ferrofluid?

How is it checked, where is it bought, is the replacement generally the same from tweeter to tweeter?

Thanks ahead of time for any info regarding this!  I figure that there are quite a few good speakers out there that are getting up there in age so this may be something I’ll want to learn to do!

Showing 1 response by ferrofluidspecialist

Hi b_limo!
Ferrofluid typically has a very long life span, but some of the older models of speakers are experiencing drying of the ferrofluid because the older formulations do not have the same long term properties of the new generations.  That being said, excess heat, long duty cycles at high voltage and dust and grime from decades of use will cause ferrofluid to gel and solidify.
There is hope!  The fluid can be replaced and it is not really that difficult to do.  Please contact me at vrene@ferrotec.com and I can walk you through the process.