Dr. Feickert Blackbird

I want to get some opinions. I am currently saving for my end-all analog source. I have been lusting after the Blackbird for a year now. I keep trying to talk myself out of it, but keep coming back. Love the classic turntable look, the reviews, and especially 2 arms. If I am only going to have one table, I want 2 arms. I still have time, as I'm not half way to my $$ goal for a the table and first arm.

Is there better or equal performer for at or under that price without losing that classic turntable look? 


Showing 1 response by rooze

I'm sure the Blackbird is a fantastic table, I owned 2 Volares and then the Woodpecker - solid performers.

I had the Kuzma 12 VTA on the Woodpecker and wasn't too keen on it, mostly it never felt stable when cuing and it was a bit of a pain changing out cartridges and doing a new setup. But I'm not thrilled generally with Unipivots.

Check out Origin Live for excellent tonearms. Pick the one from their lineup that you can afford. I had the Illustrious and it's a fantastic arm. You don't see them too often on the used markets.