DPS turntable

I have accepted the fact that I'll never be able to afford a DPS table, particularly now that AYRE is upgrading the motor and the price, but I might be able to come close (some day) so- what other table should I consider, what tables share the same philosophy of PRAT and musical involvement? I've herd a lot of tables and none have move me the way that the DPS did, is there hope?

It is a completely different direction than the VPI, and mass-loaded tables aim for (as good as they can be). I don't think that I will be able to go the mega-Linn route without it getting into the DPS price range, so thoughts appreciated, but those were two directions I've tried, and there are so many tables out there now and so many possibilities...

DPS / arm?? / Soundsmith cartridge w/phono-preamp, that would do it.


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