downloading music worth listening to on a computer

It seems to me that every recording I've heard downloaded to a flashdrive or DVD on a computer sounds fairly hideous. The playback is harsh, brittle, compressed and caustic. To be sure, the standard computer recording processor in a conventional computer is designed for conversation and audio purity was never a design factor, but this is the direction that the industry seems to be traveling to. So my question is this...
How can I download quality music on my laptop computer?

Are there chips available that can be installed or outboard devices that can be utilized to accomplish this purpose, and what format (dics, flashdrive, etc.) is preferred?
Your input and suggestions are appreciated.

Showing 1 response by melm

Hard to tell what it is that you want to download.  But in any event, downloading is one step.  Playback is another.  About the easiest and cheapest way to play back from a computer is with an Audioquest Dragonfly.connected to earphones or any player of your choice.