Downloaded 3000 CD's To External Hard Drive

Finally....I have my cd's scattered over three computers, two cars and two storage units, and now I want them all together on one unit (4tb SeaGate)

I use JRiver....are there any special setting I should use BEFORE I spend three weekends loading them? I would like to have the release date attached instead of just the year it came out.

Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by larryi

Wow, you plan to rip 3,000 cds in three weekends? It has taken me a LOT longer to get up to 3,100 (still a ways to go). It takes a fairly long time to rip each CD if it is being done at a speed that insures absolute perfection. Also, if one has to do a lot of metadata editing, that really takes time (a necessity with a lot of classical recordings). Given the number of CDs involved, do some planning ahead on how you will classify the CDs by music type for purposes of easily browsing your collection--too few categories mean too many CDs lumped together, too many types mean having to browse too many files to scan to make selections.

I rip to WAV because I heard a demonstration of WAV vs. FLAC (WAV sounded better), and because being in a relatively unaltered form I don't have to consider re-ripping because of a subsequent "discovery" about a defect in the process.