
Is downgrading the new upgrade ??

Showing 2 responses by timrhu

Integrated amp, source, speakers. Seriously, what else do you need to enjoy your music? I'm through with all the extraneous crap that doesn't one bit of enjoyment.

I agree with Rrog's deindustrialization statement. Just today I heard some commentator, or maybe it was a political figure, talk about covering the east coast with manufacturing facilities the way it was 50 years ago. My thought was, what reality does this guy live in? I don't know where we're heading, but it sure ain't there.
I thought deriding another member's system was just not done.

You'd like to think so. But the OP has two systems listed, or did Tmsorosk not bother to notice? BTW, which one is at the "bottom of the food chain?"