Down to the Final Two -- Dreadnaught vs. Titan

After many auditions, I have narrowed my choice for an amp to replace my (not very) beloved Bryston 9B-ST. The final contenders are the Theta Dreadnaught II and the Simaudio Titan, both in five channel configuration. I was about to order the Titan when my wife surprised me with a rather large purchase which will necessitate my delaying the amp purchase until the end of the month. Being somewhat superstitious, I took this as an omen and thought that I would consult with the Audiogon Gods one last time.

My system consists of a Krell HTS 2 processor, B&W N-803s for the front speakers, HTM 2 center and N-805s for the rears. Any last minute thoughts would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Showing 1 response by marty9876

Well, I have a Titan so....I've got the seven channel and honestly the thing it too big. The 5ch is 1/3 smaller. The module approach is interesting, being you can add/upgrade power.

I had a change of thoughts some time ago on this, the power supply issue. I always thought a power supply per channel(module design) was the best..but...honestly what music/HT blasts all channels at once? None.

The Sim has two supplies, and depending on how you hook it up in 2ch listening you can have one supply for each size(a power supply rated for 3-4 channels driving one channel).

I've always wanted to increase the 2ch performance of my system so I just made this login up...:)

Anybody ever clip a Sim Titan? I also replaced the little Bryston 9bst.

Good luck.
