Down to the Final Two -- Dreadnaught vs. Titan

After many auditions, I have narrowed my choice for an amp to replace my (not very) beloved Bryston 9B-ST. The final contenders are the Theta Dreadnaught II and the Simaudio Titan, both in five channel configuration. I was about to order the Titan when my wife surprised me with a rather large purchase which will necessitate my delaying the amp purchase until the end of the month. Being somewhat superstitious, I took this as an omen and thought that I would consult with the Audiogon Gods one last time.

My system consists of a Krell HTS 2 processor, B&W N-803s for the front speakers, HTM 2 center and N-805s for the rears. Any last minute thoughts would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

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