Down sizing

Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone could help. My wife and children have recently relocated me and my audio system to a small room in the house (approximately 9’x11’). It is nice to have an office/audio room to myself, but the room is much too small for my current setup (Speakers: Dynaudio 1.3 MK II; Amp: BAT VK-200; Pre amp: Rouge 99; CDP: Cary 303).

Given my situation, I wanted to scale down my system without losing any of the sound quality of my current system. Since my room is so small, I can move into lower powered amps (tubes?) or even a quality integrated amp. At minimum, I need to change speakers. If I place the dynaudios where they sound best (far out into the room), I sit on the other side of them.

I would appreciate any guidance you can give.

By the way I listen to some rock, pop, but mostly jazz.


Showing 1 response by rives

I have a similar problem. I am currently in a temporary home while our new home is being built. My large system is in storage and I downsized quite a bit. I'm currently using my CD source equipment (my turntable is in storage), my preamplifier, but also decided to go with tubes for a small system. I'm using Cary 40M Signature monoblocks with Red Rose R-3 speakers. I listen to mostly jazz, classical and vocals. It's a very satisfying system, but obviously doesn't and never will have the authority that my larger system has (I'm looking forward to getting it back). It is however very impressive how well and how large the soundstage is given the small size of the Red Rose speakers. You may also find it interesting that the bass drivers are made by Dynaudio (2 per speaker isobarik loaded).