Down sizing

Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone could help. My wife and children have recently relocated me and my audio system to a small room in the house (approximately 9’x11’). It is nice to have an office/audio room to myself, but the room is much too small for my current setup (Speakers: Dynaudio 1.3 MK II; Amp: BAT VK-200; Pre amp: Rouge 99; CDP: Cary 303).

Given my situation, I wanted to scale down my system without losing any of the sound quality of my current system. Since my room is so small, I can move into lower powered amps (tubes?) or even a quality integrated amp. At minimum, I need to change speakers. If I place the dynaudios where they sound best (far out into the room), I sit on the other side of them.

I would appreciate any guidance you can give.

By the way I listen to some rock, pop, but mostly jazz.


Showing 1 response by mike_cole

If you don't mind SS and you realy want to use as little space as possible, maybe you should look at the Linn Classik integrated. It also has a CD player and tuner built in as well as several available inputs. I have only read reviews, but that have all been positive. Sometimes I am tempted to get one and forget about my disease (audiophilia).
