Douk Audio. Any experience with any of their products?

I've seen several products under this name on eBay in recent history, including a tube preamp board that looks pretty impressive. Especially for the money.   They reference a pretty exotic Audionote preamp in the title.  

Douk Kondo Audionote

I noticed the url on the board, and decided to find out more. Turns out the entire website is blank. Assuming this was an error, I messaged the seller.

I was interested in learning more about the Kondo board, and tried the website to see what info was there, and I get a blank page. Just fyi."

I thought they might appreciate the heads up about the error. Instead, I received this response:
"Hi dear customer
wish you have a nice day
the amp board designed by our designers
so you cant find it
best regards
Douk-Amy :)"

Not exactly a confidence builder. I'd be interested to hear if anyone has had direct experience with these folks.

Showing 3 responses by sir_jimmy

I am interested in the Douk Audio “MC” (moving coil) passive preamp, however I’m not sure I understand what the term “passive” means in this case; does that mean zero gain? A previous post seemed to hint at that definition of “passive”. If so, why would I buy a zero-gain preamp for a MC cartridge when what I need is amplification to yield enough voltage to drive a MM input on my preamp? That’s not amplification at all.

Or am I just really misunderstanding something here?

Thanks for any info anyone can provide.
Thanks pixelriffic for the definition; makes more sense now. What I understand you’re saying is that the voltage gain of the unit is from the transformers, not the tubes, correct? My question would be:  why even have the tubes — do they also amplifiy, or is it impedance matching, or both, or something else...??
This is the one I’m interested in; it uses 6J1 tubes. The ad only mentions “passive amplification” in the expanded Product Details — NOT the product description:

Look at this on eBay
HiFi Tube Phono Stage MC Turntable Preamplifier Mini Class A Single-ended Preamp

I suspect that it’s not passive at all, and the writer at Douk Audio got things mixed up.

it does seem awfully cheap for a MC preamp, but they explicitly say “for MC only”, so it appears to be a good bargain.