Doubting Sound Treatment ?

3 years ago I purchased an 11 piece Kit from a reputable company. I noticed improvements, but wasn’t instantly blown away. Now 3 years later I took it all down for a home move. Bass definition noticeably less. Instrument placement less good. Overall coherence less. Not a as intimate. Far less enjoyable, simply put. If your on the fence, get past it. Better improvements with the treatment than most of us hope for when we change Preamp, Amp, or Speakers. Doubt no more !
Cheers ! 

Showing 2 responses by ivan_nosnibor

@jdeickhoff, I’m currently planning for an Acoustic-Fields-designed, dedicated listening room to be added onto the back of my 2-car garage, building to begin in a month or so. My GC will be looking at how much it will cost me to frame the room, as Dennis suggests, in 2"x12" instead of 2"x4" - that to allow the needed depth for the in-wall carbon filters (100 Hz down to 30 Hz). When I get a fixed idea for that part of the budget, Dennis will run the dimensions for me and can tell me how many filters of what type I will need and where in the walls they will need to go to. 

I will finish out the inside myself using 3/4", finish-grade plywood. (Dennis tells me that, sound-wise, drywall is, like, the spawn of satan). The room will end up being medium-sized, but it should be well controlled by the time I’m through with it. I will be building the carbon filters, a few foam absorbers and a few quadratic diffusers myself from his plans, so I will need to buy a good table saw and teach myself the hows ($500). The filters and all can be built for $2-4k, depending on how many Dennis tells me I’ll need. The pricey part will be for the framing aspect of the construction, but nearly all of it will be paid for with the equity in my home. So, I’m currently looking at just the materials cost and some time...unless my GC comes back with a truly budget-busting number...keeping my fingers crossed for now.
Thanks @jdeickhoff. Yes, it is definitely going to be a hatful. Originally I thought I would post the whole thing after it was done, but now I think it would be too much to try to explain in retrospect, so I may post it, pics and all, in one place somewhere, after construction starts and provide updates as I go.