I continue to be astounded that intelligent, educated adults still believe a few strands of silver can provide "airiness", " finer detail", "improved mid bass" and bring out "nuances" only previously heard by golden eared fruit flies. Even more ridiculous that these strands of silver can be packaged in hundreds of different options, all providing different sound signatures. Is there some magical, proprietary unicorn dust sprinkled upon them? The fact is, a cable transmits a signal from source to end point. Nothing more, nothing less. The only difference in sound you will hear is the difference in sound you want to hear. Pure placebo.
Dear Tim,
There is one part science and one part art when it comes to speaker cable construction. While you don't have to believe it exists, you can't simply proclaim it invalid because you don't know why and you haven't tried it. I understand skepticism and exercise it pretty regularly myself.
You probably don't believe in the benefits of bi-wiring either but a properly engineered circuit on the speaker crossover yields a discernably different result. It doesn't improve every speaker but it isn't the fault of the method, it's the fault of the crossover.
If you think wire is wire and cable is cable then cool. Grab a solid core copper wire and compare the results with a copper litz cable and let us know the outcome to your ears. Do two solid core copper wires sound the same if they are different gauges? (spoiler alert: Absolutely not).
Once again, believe what you believe, its cool....stating your "hypothesis" as fact is intellectually dishonest. In other words, your "absolute" assertion is absolutely wrong.