Dose anyone know the Spectron audio is still provide services or not?


This is my first post here. Few years ago, I bought 2 spectron musician 3 mk2 and love them. But one of them has some issues. I sent it back to Northridge CA 3 times, around 2 years and still not got it fixed. Every time I received the amp from repairing, it was good for about one month then problems came out.
I sent the amp back again, and try to call the phone number from the spectron audio website, no one answered the phone, neither the email. 

Does anyone one contact with spectron person recently? Or know the status of spectron?
Thanks a lot


Showing 5 responses by celander

I’ve tried repeatedly to contact someone st Spectron. Phone goes to voice mail. Email replies not forthcoming. 
I’ve tried repeatedly for days on end, leaving voice mail messages and emails. I think they’re now defunct. The janitor left the voice mail prompt. Lights are out. 
I had a local Chicago electronics shop (Deltronics on Halsted) re-balance my Spectron Audio Digital One and repaired a slew of Furman IT-Reference and Exact Power Power Conditioners and Regenerators. They brought back from the dead an EP15-A unit that a dealer on EBay sold for parts to me!  😂😂