Don't care for my Philips 963

I've had this for over a year now and like it less everytime I listen to it on redbook (regardless of upsampling). What first struck me (and I did audition before buying, though apparently not long enough) as detailed and extended highs now comes across as thin, metallic, unengaging. SACD playback, on the other hand, I like very much. Unfortunately, I have a total of five sacds. DVD performance is good enough. I'd like my digital playback to resemble my analog playback (rega p25/dyna 10x5)--full of bounce and life, liquid, rich and round. Audio budget is tight right now. For a number of reasons, I'd like to ad a DAC with three inputs (one needs to be coax and one needs to be optical). I'd run sacd playback through the analog outs on the philips into my pre. For redbook and dvd, I'd use the DAC. Right now I'm thinking CAL Alpha or Muse 2. Given what I'm looking for and given my budget (under 600), do you have any other suggestions? Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by mmrog

Did you try the infamous mod of changing the main capacitor with a $30 Blackgate capacitor ? Made a major difference in my unit in almost all aspects. Fuller and richer, much better pace and punch. Overall much more involving. I'd say that would be your best bang for the buck. It's very simple to do for anyone that can use a soldering iron. It did take over a week to break in the cap.

I don't know where there are any instructions for modding the Philips, but the basics are to change the one large cap on the power supply board which is where the AC power comes in. My original cap was blue and, according to some posts I found, should be 100uf/400v capacitor. Replace it with a Blackgate VK 150/350V capacitor. I ordered mine from

Update : I just checked their web site which says that model capacitor has been discontinued and they recommend a Blackgate NH Series 68uf/350v.

Good luck !