Don Sachs Owners Thread

A place to discuss amps, preamps, and phono stages from Don Sachs. 


I just purchased a like new D2 linestage. It has 2 gain controls, 64 step volume control, and digital volume readout. It is set up for the new rectifier. This is my first 6sn7 based linestage. It came with Ken-Rad Vt 231and gray RCA tubes. There are 3 rectifier tubes. A huge Philco 6BY5G, a Tung-Sol 6BY5G, and a Bendix 5852. There is also an Ice Age Audio power cord. With 2 different sounding outputs there are a lot of options. I need to find out what value the output caps are. I have the D2 connected at the moment to a VTL ST150. Input impedance is 125K and 2v in for maximum gain. 

I placed the RCA tubes in left front and rear and Ken-Rad in the right. Used Philco rectifier. Plugged VTL amp into output 1. The brightest sounding preamp I've ever heard. It was comical, bass drums sounded more like cymbals. Output 2 sounds like normal music. This surprises me. With 125K input, I thought there would be no problem getting bass response. 

Some questions.

1. Are the 6Sn7's in the right locations? I guessed by looking at the sellers photograph.

2. Is the Ice Age Audio the AC cord the brand Don offers as an option? 

3. I'll audition all 3 but which rectifier would be considered tops?

The linestage sounds amazing. 




Anyone rolled the rectifier?


My version uses the 6x5gt and came with JAN Sylvania 6x5gt/vt-126b.

I know newer versions use a different rectifier but Mr. Sachs doesn’t do upgrades anymore due to being semi-retired. He explained to me he will fix my pre if it’s broken but will not do upgrades.

any recommendations if it’s worth upgrading the Sylvania. I was thinking RCA vt126 or Mullazrd ez35.

The only true upgrade, other than a modification allowing the use of a 6BY5 would be the Bendex 6X5 compatible rectifier. I believe that they run about 100 or 200 dollars.



On this topic, what 6BY5 tubes are you all liking/preferring?  I have a few different types but keep returning to the Sylvania and GE tubes. 


Cheers, Soren

I’ve had Roy’s power cord cooking since last Thurs.  It has tamed the forwardness with the cheap computer cord the prev owner provided.  

Brent Jesse returns from his holiday break 1/9. I may contact him about the Kend Rad or RCA short glass. 

I’ve been tempted to try more economical choices from fleabay buy am nervous about a tube shorting or a fire starting.   There is a rectifier I want to try Bendix or Tungstram but am leery.  

Tubes go bad, Brent Jesse does through testing, as do Kevin Deals' people. I haven't heard of a DS2 going up in flames, but anyone who deals with tubes should tell you in no uncertain terms that they can, and not to leave them on and unattended. That said, there is little dboutvof 2 things. 1. Highly reputable dealers tubes are rigorously tester. 2. That will cost you more money as they have to purchase more tubes, and sell less than they buy as a result. Even if you were to buy a top of the line tube tester, you likely won't know how to dial it in to get them best results.