Dolby Atmos: does it do anything for two-channel reproduction?

I noticed that more and more of my downloads from Apple Music show the Dolby Atmos logo next to "lossless". But I cannot really hear any obvious difference on my two-channel system. Would I need a special decoder? I don't know if there are any besides the one reviewed in the current Stereophile issue (which costs a bundle). And if I had such a decoder, would it add anything to two-channel reproduction (such as adding spatial information), or is it designed strictly for multi-channel reproduction such as home-theater?



Showing 2 responses by reimarc

Thank you all for the clarification about Atmos. I will stick with 2-channel, I guess.

I currently use a USB cable from Wireworld to feed a re-clocker from Acousence which then feeds my MSB Platinum Signature DAC through AES/EBU. The MSB does not have a Atmos decoder. So, if I understand you correctly, I would have to purchase a dedicated decoder, and no longer use my MSB DAC? Which decoder do you use? Does it go directly into your preamp? Thanks.