Doge 7 tube DAC

Anyone here using or have heard the Doge 7 tube DAC? I'm very interested in it after watching the review of Jay (The next best thing studio).

I was set on getting the Denafrips Venus II but after viewing his review, i am now on the fence whether i should get the Doge 7 or the Venus II. Jay gave the Doge 7 "the best DAC award last month along with the Pontus" and yesterday on their yearly awards, he gave the "Best price no object - component award of the year" to Doge 7 tube DAC and take note, among its competitors were the Denafrips Pontus and Terminator+.

I'm really intrigued if i should get the Doge 7 due to this.

My system:

B&W 805D3

Primaluna EVO400 tube preamp (soon)

Primaluna EVO400 tube poweramp - 2x 70w (soon)

streamer - either lumin u1 mini or OpticalRendu (soon)

small bedroom setup (18 sqm/193 sqft)

music i listen to = jazz/classical/soft relaxing music. I don't listen to rock, electronic, loud, disco music.


Showing 2 responses by dvdboulet

Just curious for those of you who’d rolled the tubes, any particular tubes you think pair really well? I see on the dodge website one reviewer really felt compelled by the sonic improvement using Tung-Sol 12AX7 tubes. I love how so many folks pair this DAC with all sorts of downstream components (more tubes, or solid state) and it seems to play well with just about everything.

Also curious if anyone is using the (digital) volume control on the DAC and driving their amplifier directly. 
