Does vinyl have a sound?

Other than great resolution, timbre, and soundstage, can one recognize a sound that vinyl has?

Sometimes I think I hear a "plastic" sound, especially on percussion. Does this make sense to anyone? If so, does this go away with proper choice of table, arm, and cartridge?

Showing 2 responses by nilthepill

I have read reviews where they describe 'cardboardy' sound on poorer set ups. I think you may mean this when you describe plasticky. In this instances the sound is very two dimensional- no depth perception at all. The record noise is major contributor in addition to not having proper coupling with the platter. I personally have found this when there is not enough center clamp force or the right clamp material. just my 2 cents.
Lewm, I don't doubt your claim at all, I was merely pointing out to OPs experience that sometime he hears plastic sound on percussion - is due to poorer set ups and vinyl up keeps, not Vinyl medium as a whole. On optimum or best set ups and equipment this should not exist is what I was trying to say. (Map said it better). This from my own experiences and climbing my learning curve.