Does upgrading you system have to be on a logarithmic curve?

Has anyone else noticed that the higher you go in sonic quality the more it cost to get an incremental increase in sonic quality. For example if you buy a 300 stereo from Walmart it sounds ok then you go a spend 3000 on one and the jump in sound quality is huge. Now to get the same percentage jump in sound quality you need to spend 9000 then 30000. So I am at the 30k+ threshold what do you have to spend to get the same incremental jump. This is more of a rhetorical question has anyone else experienced this.   


Showing 4 responses by jjss49



5,926 posts

@shanesrain ,

I understand now. You’re similar to another member here who thinks that it’s amusing to write incomprehensible nonsense posts. Very boring.


i lay even odds it is the same member using one of many previously registered bogus handles

gotta love guys who keep blabbering when no one is even talking to him anymore... i guess the liquor speaks for itself 😂



I have my K&E bamboo in my desk drawer… would you like to borrow it? I haven’t been using it much since 1974.

haha only bad ass o-g science math and engineering majors know what the hell a k&e is!  ... though i admit when i got to college engineering the hp-35's had already hit scene

as everyone under 55 heads for the exits 😂🤣