Does Threshold equal newer amp designs?

I remember in the 80's when Threshold had, to my ears, a more full-bodied, richer sound than other SS amps. Some called it a solid-state tube sound. Yet others thought they were analytical and sterile. There are those who think they sound as good or better than even the respected newer stuff out now. Why is Threshold still a popular item in the used market, if later designs are better? I'd like the opinions of former & current Threshold owners, and why you switched or didn't.
As a former Threshold owner (SA-3, T400), I'd say no, their amp designs are old and don't sound as good as some of the newer ones. Pass, Llano, and Reference Line all smoked the T400 (T200 was rated "Class A" by Stereophile). Thresholds sounded good for their day, but sound electronic when compared to other high quality amps today.
Klouie, you are right in most older models of Threshold. The SA/3 and T-400 were decent. I had a T-800 and a S-500 at one time. Where I beg to differ with you is on a pair of Threshold SA/1's modified to balance configuration and other minor mods. I currently own both a pair of Pass X-600s and Threshold SA/1's. The X-600s have more guts and bottom end. But over all the SA/1's are a more finess, sweet sounding amps. Smoother and more control on the top end. And silky almost tube/warm mids. The bass is tight and has extension. I have two systems and swapped amps on each pair of speakers, and each system is worth about +$50K. One day I will sell my Pass X-600s, but I will Never sell my Threshold SA/1's.
I own a Threshold T200. I use it in combo with a modified CJ PV-11 preamp, MIT 750 Magnum speaker cables and Revel Ultima Studio Speakers. In my opinion, there are many old products that sound as good as new generation products, Threshold among them. Of course, there are old Threshold and older Threshold amps and preamps depending on whether you own the T series which were produced by PS Audio - no longer in business - or the older Threshold amps owned by Nelson Pass who sold Threshold to PS about 6 years ago. It is ridiculous to think that new = better in analog equipment all the time. In my opinion, and I've been in highend audio for 10 years + and I've been to at least 2 or 3 high end shows, not to mention stores all over the country, the only solid state out there that really is decisivley better than the Krells, Levinsons, Thresholds or what have you, are the Spectrals. If you want the very best solid state has to offer, Spectral is it or maybe Rowland if you have the bucks. Also, system matching is so important, I cannot begin to emphasize this aspect of high end audion enough. I have heard great gear sound lousy in sytems that were not well matched. Regards, Welltempered.