Does this translate?

In the current issue of Stereophile magazine ( June) is a write up of the new Aavik U-380. This piece of gear is a DAC, amp and phono stage. The amp is a Class D design. The reviewer is Jason Victor Serinus who concludes his review with this statement: "if I haven't convinced you of the U-380's worth by now, perhaps it's back to Fuller I should go"

Now here's the thing, this piece of gear is priced at $39,000-!!
So two questions...does this piece translate to $39,000- worth of electronics, ( i say no way) and secondly...should JVS go back to Fuller? ( I say
What say you?

Showing 1 response by tom6897

Stopped reading and subscribing years ago. They never audition anything that is less than groundbreaking, a pinnacle, changing the laws of physics blah, blah blah. Make one purchase and the next month it is superseded by the next greatest thing to have been in their system, laying waste to their previous “reference”. No thank you.🤥