Does the Mark Levinson 331 suck?

I bought this amp on it's name and reputation alone and I do not like what I am hearing. I don't know if it's a system matching problem (I don't think it is) or what. I sold a Marsh a400 for this and the Marsh smokes it everyway. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Someone please help me!

Showing 1 response by onlyanalog

This is an older thread but, I wanted to chime in anyway. I owed some serious gear in the past 40 years. I do own and listen to a Marsh A400s and A200s, I also tried there preamps but for me they fell a little short. Both marsh amp are excellent amplifiers and do better than much more expensive amplifiers. Mine is paired with a Bryston BP-6 preamp or a Aragon stage one for back up use. The amp is pretty darn close to any Theshold amp, and I love Threshold. The Marsh is very deatiled but lacks just a bit in micro detail. Midrange is very very clear and bass is very good! Not the deepest bass but its just enough. Im not a head banger anyway. Both Marsh ams are very well built and use high quality parts throughout. The A400s is a step up, not just in power but sound quality as well. I do use a Bryston DAC as well. I wouldn’t pony up more money for just a fraction more in sound. ML, Krell, Theshold and others are all extremely nice but at cost! The Marsh amps are a giant killer! Good speed!