Does the Mark Levinson 331 suck?

I bought this amp on it's name and reputation alone and I do not like what I am hearing. I don't know if it's a system matching problem (I don't think it is) or what. I sold a Marsh a400 for this and the Marsh smokes it everyway. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Someone please help me!

Showing 1 response by littlemasterfroga266

Obviously you need a tube amp. Ah warm , musical, distorted and with flabby ass bass. I love the "27 sounded better than the 331", sounded like a tube head. Keep your crossover distortion if it makes you happy. Come on people at least admit that warm and musical (the way talked about here) are distortions not there at the input. I guess real just does not sound alive anymore. There is not much about ML that sucks in my opnion and Richard Marsh very fine designer that he is is just hoping to get a copy of Mark Levinson's design books. THe 331 is a true voltage and current source unconditionally stable into 1 ohm. The Marsh is power supply limited into 4 ohms at the rails. The 331 is on the order of about 100 times more linear and quite than the Marsh. Something else is worng.