Does the 1.5m 75ohm rule apply to 110ohm?

I’ve read many times that 1.5m is the best length for SPDIF.
Al Marg’s (RIP) excellent explanations come to mind.
Does this rule apply to XLR 110ohm digital cables as well?

Please don’t turn this thread into a ’bits are bits’ carnival.
If you have nothing but negative opinions please don’t post.

Showing 2 responses by sugabooger

What happened to the post with the links? It appear to have been deleted?

I did check one of the linked articles. Conceptually it was okay, but the math was questionable. They considered the rise time to determine a mid-point, but did not consider at 0 time (start of rise), there is no signal to reflect and what you need to consider is both the amplitude of the initial arrival plus the amplitude of the reflection which is signal and mismatch dependent. With poor matching, that 1.5m could be longer (or shorter) and there will be one length that will be approximately the worst, and that is probably near 1.5m though it could be anywhere between 1-2 meters. 

One of the articles talks about speeding up the edges, but the best thing to do is just to use proper impedance matching. 
Except the 25nsec is not a set number, and neither is 5nsec/ft, both can be smaller or larger, not to mention there is hysteresis and settling time that pushes that transition values above/below 0V, which means that theoretical 12 and 15nsec could end up sitting on top of each other, which could happen anywhere from 1-2 meters system dependent. 1.5 meters may work, or it may be a worse case. There is simply not enough tolerance at 1.5m.

w.r.t fast edges, if the termination mismatch is not large, then fast edges will always be better. If the termination mismatch is large, you have the potential for again a worse case situation. It would be rarer, but still possible. The slow speed of TOSLINK couples with noise optical detectors and high gain. It is the worst of call conditions for jitter.

Of course, fortunately most system today are fairly jitter immune. Well $50 consumer DACs are relatively jitter immune. $5,000 audiophile DACs you are taking your chances.