Does someone’s opinion affect your opinion?

So I have a very nice turntable with a new MC cartridge which I liked and enjoyed…that is until someone said that the cartridge was very “piercing” and in his opinion almost unlistenable. Now I find I am not enjoying it as much. Two things to add, he is not anymore “golden ear” than me, and the brands are well known with good reviews. 
But now, I don’t enjoy it as much. I know I shouldn’t let it bother me, but it does and it has impacted my enjoyment.

So, has this happen to you and what did you do? 


Showing 6 responses by mahgister

In the opposite i searched for the greatest possible numbers of opinions, i welcome them all, especially in health or in audio, because i trust my ability to separate wheat and chaff ... I consider myself the last one to listen to because it is me who decide for my life or for my audio experience... it resulted in happy consequences in my health and in audio...

Nope and I always seek a second opinion when it comes to health. In Audio opinions are like .... holes, and I do not care what yours is.

I will not report your post as too kind toward me...


You have no apologies to make for me @mahgister . You speak English pretty well for a second language. I only speak English, although I know a lot of French words, and some Latin words.

Rewriting and correcting my horrible english posts is too hard job even for you Alas!

I apologize to all for my "square" syntax and my many typos... I apologize to roxy54 in particular...

I never spoke english in all my life and philosophical or science books are not the best to learn english...We miss slang, humor and wit, and fluidity of syntax...

The greatest writer i read in modern english a spanish born philosopher stun me by his prose... George Santayana.... It remind me that one of the greatest french writer in the last 70 years was a romanian : Emil Cioran


Some are more gifted than others...


I really love editing and copywriting, which I studied for a while. Errors always jump out at me. Of course, I make my own like everyone else.



Generally people opinions dont affect too much my opinion... But i trust some expert opinion way over my limited experience...

If i am on the fence for a change i must choose in who i will trust to operate a change if i am not able to listen to a future upgrade component ...

But at the end it will be my EARS who will decide...But it is my ears/trained brain that make me able to discern the problem to begin with...

Right now i am on the fence to change my satisfying Sansui Alpha 607i which is an amplifier designed for speakers to a lower noise floor headphone amplifier... The Sansui alpha is quieter already than my past  S.S. amplification...

Will it be an upgrade or a side grade ?

 Here i must confide in experts opinions and study them...

I decide not to change the dac or the cable for my AKG K340 but the amplification...

I am on the fence...

Do i need this upgrade?

No, not absolutely...

But my actual headphone are so refined, i put them near the top of high end not near the bottom at all... Then because they are sensible to the electrical noise floor at a level none of my past components were , i am thinking about a super quiet amplifier and more refined than the S. S. Sansui alpha which is very hard to beat...

It is why my trust in my ears now dont suffice... I need to read experts and trust some to make the change...

Is my identification of the change at amplification is a good decision ?

Why not the dac?

The dac is a battery low cost dac NOT LINKED TO THE COMPUTER NOR TO THE ELECTRICAL GRID  with a very low noise floor , with an internal big files storage, with a small needed equalizer to make the K340 nearer the harman curve for my ears... I cannot upgrade it without investing big money in a more erractic move than picking an improved amplification...Dac technology seems mature enough to me and my "perceived" problem is the electrical noise floor way more than the source dac quality here... i must adress the evident problem...Electrical noise floor...Most people are not conscious about it generally...

The electrical noise floor when we own refined component is on par with acoustic as a qualitative factor over even the mechanical factor (vibrations control) especially with headphones instead of speakers ...

WE all need experts opinions, even if only our ears will decided at the end... We must pick the right opinion..

For example, the new amplification which interested me is almost universally acclaimed, save by an audio frorum leader or guru... 😊

it is easy to discern why this guru cannot be objective about this piece of amplification for the sake of his site status... then i picked as trusty the designer of this piece of amplification , and all the numerous positive ectatic owners, not the audio guru and his bashing review ...😁


Before picking the right component we must pick the right expert...



I am happy that we think the same about that...


In audio forums half the quarrel about sound perception is based on the gear difference and in our different stations in our each different audio journey...

Acoustic experiments help us to relativize the importance of the gear and make us more able to understand each aspect of the audio vocabulary...

there is three vocabulary and three perspectives in sound perception to understand , they meet, but they never reduce to one another...

The audio vocabulary : about imaging, soundstage , high , bass, mid-range etc

The music vocabulary : melody, rythm, harmony, tonality, atonality, polytonality, etc

The acoustic vocabulary: reverberation time, listener envelopment, first reflection and secondary one, diffusion, absorption , timbre experience...soubd sources localization etc To this we must add the psycho-acoustic vocabulary which extend physical acoustic ...

The three vocabulary correspond to three sound experience mediation with different tools...Three environment which intercept one another without loosing their specific power...

The three vocabulary for example meet deeply when audiophile analyse the "timbre experience" even more  more than about space localization of sound because the timbre perception is more subtle and more hard to get right ......In music, audio, acoustic and even in psycho-acoustic, the "timbre" experience is FUNDAMENTAL to understand... It is the basis... Localization and immersiveness are more audio and acoustic concept than musical one too...

Without knowing precisely how to use and control aspects of these three perspective , the "timbre" experience escape us in part....

I dont know if you think the same about that....

My best to you...


It is normal for most to be influenced to some level or degree by others opinion....

Another important thing is learning to trust our ears....

Then we must set some acoustic experiments and train ourself then this improve self confidence a lot...

Exactly, perfectly right!

Guttenberg said something interesting about the audio journey, recently. As we age, we change our opinions in part because of our physical hearing, but largely because of our ability to discern.

If a friend made a comment which lead me to question what I was hearing, it would probably because I trust their discernment. That would give me a reason to do what Mahgister suggests -- do experiments. We only have the science and technology of audio because of skepticism, testing, questioning, and corroboration of results.



It is normal for most to be influenced to some level or degree by others opinion....

But no audio system is the same nor the hearing filters are the same...

And the place where we are in our audio journey differ too...



Another important thing is learning to trust our ears....


Then we must set some acoustic experiments and train ourself then this improve self confidence a lot...


«Opinions are like an onion and we see only the last skin»-- Groucho Marx 🤓