Does Power Cord Require Burn-In To Sound Good?

I recently bought a new power cord but there isn’t much difference in sound quality between this new cord and the previous Wireworld Elektra 7 which it replaces. The cords are used on the DAC.

Any ideas if the cord needs to burn in to open up and sound better? It currently has about 5 hours on it and I think I prefer the sound quality of the previous cord which costs 10 times cheaper.

Any thoughts appreciated.
It's taken me years to develop my "Cooling" techniques, not everything works on everybody..:-)

NEVER met a person I didn't like, but sometimes, you got WAIT to make them whole again, someone that hurt.  Sometimes they are broke, by choice some by bad circumstance, still BROKEN non the less.

People forget quick unless it's just malicious, I haven't seen that here, sure it was gone pretty quick. I have seen a nutter or two, me I just like having a little fun without being called "vomitus", YUK, something yukie.. YUK... double yuk....Triple yuk...

Have to keep things in their proper order, ay

The cable cookin' thread, Yea, I complained when it left. I thought "CRAP", but I tried NOT to be TOO big of, "I did it, I own one guy", but I am, and I did.  If you got one you get to spew, got your own opinion, you don't and start telling EVERYBODY they are, you know EVERYTHING.. LOL Uncouth unhinged, uneducated, unfair, unNICE, UnUN-NICE, that is a real bad one...

I always like information with that many differences, entertaining if nothing else... BUT no name callin' and no Yoko Ono.

I'm gonna have a nice opportunity to use one HELP break in a couple of NEW, one end to the other, Tonearms, carts, preamp, SUT, integrate an RtR and SEE if it helps AGAIN.. lot of new goodies...THUS new cables...

Regards to all..
"It could also be, that the very air in the room, requires a burn in period. "
Now that is funny!
OP, had a similar experience when I tried to replace Cardas Quadlink interconnects with the "new and improved" Parsec. The Parsec was clearly inferior straight out of the box...burned it in for a month straight, no change. I did not send it back. Don’t be me...send it back for your refund.
12-08-2020 6:33pmryder

Thank You for the update. The Acrolink will become better with more hours. I am familiar with the WW Silver Electra 7. A very fine Power Cord indeed.
I would think that the Acrolink is better than a standard WW Electra7 ?

Happy Listening!
Thanks for the information. Certainly good to know. WW Silver Elektra 7 is a range higher than the standard Elektra 7 so it should be better.

Yes, the Acrolink is now proven to be better than the WW Elektra 7. I currently have 2 Acrolink cords in the system. With the removal of the WW E7 which is now replaced by the Acrolink, a lot of harshness and digital noise are now gone. The overall sound is more organic and illuminating in the treble, almost tube-like without any grain. Everything sounds clearer as new details such as accompanying singers in the background are now easily audible. The midrange and bass also improved with better punch, definition and detail. Basically improvement is across the whole spectrum.
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