No..Al Gore is not a McIntosh fan. Ever since Al sold Current to Al Jazerra Network,..(ya know..that friendly terrorist news organization that sent over the internet encrypted codes from their news site to the terrorist's who brought down the World Trade Center..) Al exclusively buys his Audio components from Al Qaeda Audio. Their amplifiers are stunning to look at especially the beautiful gold camel logo on the front of their amps.
Does Mc Intosh make reference gear
I have been reading the current thread here about Mc Intosh being bashed. People are saying they use cheap parts or have a 70's type of sound. I don't know the Mc line that well. Do they make a reference line? If they do why don't you ever hear about it? If they don't maybe they should. I'm sure audiophiles would give more props to Mc Intosh if they made some cutting edge products.