Does it still pay to buy a $3k CD player

? I see many people still interested in spending a fair amount for CD only players. I am particularly speaking of the link regarding the Wadia/Resolution Audio. I know they are great pieces. But, how far off are the Sony's (SACD players) in CD only replay? After spending 3K on hardware,a lot of us would be more comfortable with the investment if we were also able to buy new software, SACD. Which way to go?

Showing 2 responses by carl_eber

Joe, if you get one used, then yes. That's what I did, and I want to challenge anyone with an SCD-1 to come by and compare CD playback with my CD50.
Dkuipers, you'll forgive me if I don't take your word for it (I don't have to). The SCD-1 has crappy op amps for the analog output stage, and you didn't mention what power cords and conditioning you used, or why you think adding a linestage to the chain helped "increase resolution" of the SCD-1 when playing CD's (compared to not even having a linestage when using the CD50). I submit that it does not, and feel that you are hearing a system interaction that is pleasing to you. The CD50 is not "warm" or "euphonic" in any way, it's accurate and transparent with more top to bottom coherence than anything with op amps. The CD50 you heard was perhaps an older unit in poor operating condition, alos. Bring your SCD-1 by my system anytime, and you'll hear what I mean....And as for SACD's, when there are more than 5000 titles, then we'll talk on that.