Does it make sense to "ignore low ball offers"?

Assuming the person wants to sell the item and is accepting offers (since he didn’t say the "price is firm") then why say "I will gladly ignore low ball offers" ?

Why not make a counteroffer to the low ball offer? Thats how cars, houses and most anything that doesn’t have a "firm" price is purchased.

If its because the seller doesn’t want to waste their time negotiating they should say so or simply grow-up a little bit and not get so easily offended by a low offer. Besides, a buyer has no idea what the seller is willing to accept unless you negotiate it.

I’ve sold and purchased a number items after negotiating from a low first offer.


Showing 1 response by pkatsuleas

If the offer is not totally low-balled I will usually try to negotiate.  But, I always respond just to be polite.  Are low-ballers a PITA?  Sure, but being polite is pretty easy.  I always try to remember and take the high road so to speak.  

Case in point, just had an offer on a preamp I am selling.  The buyer offered a trade for an older pair of Thiel speakers.  Interesting idea, but the speakers are worth less than half of what I'm asking for the preamp.  I would consider that pretty low-ball!  I politely replied that it was an interesting idea but I couldn't do that deal.  No sweat on my part.  Was the buyer being an a-hole with the offer?  Maybe, maybe not.  Maybe just looking for a sweet deal.   

Let's be nice, people.