Does it improve the sound of a MM or MI cartridge by playing it through a phono stage?

I've been hearing about these old inexpensive Japanese cartridges getting rave reviews and I was wondering if they sound better if played through a phono stage as MCs do. Of course this would be at the standard 47K ohms load.

I have an Acutex LPM 412STR with the original and replacement stylus and would like to know how it would sound best. It was inexpensive (a long time ago), but might be an interim option if I have to get my regular cartridge serviced. I upgraded it about 9 years ago to a Van den hul One Special and thought the VDH was much better sounding with a Rega P5 played through the phono section of a Plinius 8200MKII integrated amp. Since then, I purchased a Sutherland Insight phono stage that has settings for the VDH (200 ohms) and a 47K ohm load for the Acutex, along with 3 or 4 others.

Showing 1 response by itsjustme

presumably you are asking "sparate dedicated box vs built in RIAA & amplifier".
And (drum roll please) it depends on which one is better designed and executed. I happen to be working on one right now. The circuit, PCB etc will be identical whether in its own box or plugged into a motherboard. Same card. What will differ is:
  • isolation (nothing like having its own box around it
  • Power supply (more money can be spent due to expectations and price point)
  • packaging
  • price

Its like the integrated amp vs pre and power amp. In theory the integrated is better. In practice they are bought for the convenience, package and value, so they rarely aspire to the highest of high end.

You might infer that I’m working on one of those too. :-) In the end as noted, and i think you know this, every cartridge needs an extra 30-65 dB of gain ( and that’s a LOT) and the inverse equalization to what is done during mastering so that it is flat and accurate. No RIAA EQ, no bass. Pretty simple.