Does it annoy you when companies don't show the internals of electronics ?

I noticed that merrill audio and mcintosh general don't show all the internals of their electronics. A friend of mine actually asked merrill to see pics of the internals of their amps and pres. The remark from merrill... 'people listen to how they sound they don't look at whats inside.'

But why hide it? Are they trying to protect some secrets of their tech? Might as well just show it... if you have dones something truly exceptional people will appreciate that and its going to be that easy to rip off.

Showing 6 responses by smodtactical

Let me be clear. I am not suggesting something that is not visually appealing or seems wrong from an engineering standpoint will sound bad (ie. wells audio internals that look like a train smashed into a pile of IEDs). But sometimes I think part of the joy of ownership is knowing whats inside your electronics and see the great care that was put into the design of the devices.
Just to be clear I am not saying the dealer has to open it up in front of me...but I'd at least like a picture of the internals (on the website is fine).
Just spoke with space tech labs and asked to see pictures of their internals of their tube linestages and they refused... well I will move on.